Sunday, January 23, 2011

Too busy

I have quite the busy little boy.  This week we have spent a lot of time indoors.  We did go to the Y but it was so cold that after Monday and Tuesday I decided to run at home on my treadmill.  I hate taking him out when it is 0 degrees.  In fact, I hate going out when it is that cold.  Then I had to take him out anyway because guess what?  He turned up sick on Thursday...any coincidence that it was 4 days after being at the Y?  Thank you parents who are so set on working out that they take their sick kids to the child watch.  Thank you very much.  Anyway, here are a few fun shots of little man just playing around.  And a surprise that made me feel like maybe I am not the meanest Mom in the world after all.

Standing when ever he gets the chance...(and he thinks he is pretty darn cool when he does it!)

 Playing with his lady love...

Getting loves from Daddy...

Learning to get into my play boxes...

Just being to darn cute for my own good...



Learning to trust my older sister...somewhat...

But the best part of my week?  When Grant brought me home his pocket knife carving from Scouts.  He made it just for me.  Such a sweet boy.

1 comment:

  1. See you aren't the meanest mom in the world. Yeah!!!

    Love all of the pics. That smile is beautiful.

    Max has not been to the Y, nor have I for that very reason. Can't stand getting sick!,
