Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We went to the zoo, how about you?

McKay, her BFF Kate, Hinckley and I decided to take a trip to the zoo on Monday.  It was a perfect fall day....70 degrees.

Upon entering the car, McKay grabbed my sunglasses and put them on.

"How do I look Kate?" she asked.
"Fashionable" was Kate's reply.

First we stopped to have lunch with Kyle at Ted's Coney Island...they are rocking their Gyros!

Kyle to Kate "So, what is your favorite part of the zoo?"
"I like...I totally like the...." said Kate.
We didn't even hear the rest because the way she said that was so dang funny.

Anyway, the girls had a great time, Hinckley was old enough this time to enjoy the new surroundings, and he even got to take his first zoo train ride.  The weather was perfect, there was a slight breeze, and it wasn't busy.  We hope to hit the zoo a few more times this year before the weather gets cold.

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